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Terms, acronyms, and language when we're talking about walking, rolling, riding, or scooting can be hard to explore. This page includes definitions of some of the most common terms the CMC deals with.
Cycle Track
Path for bicycles that is separated from motor traffic.
Parking Protected Bike Lanes
Bike lanes that are separated from motor traffic by parking spaces.
Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ)
Federally funded program administered by East-West Gateway Council of Governments (EWG). Provides funding to state and local governments for programs that meet the requirements of the Clean Air Act.
Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)
TAP is a competitive, federally funded program administered by East-West Gateway Council of Governments (EWG). TAP provides funding for a variety of smaller-scale transportation projects such as pedestrian and bicycle facilities, safe routes to school projects, community improvements such as historic preservation and vegetation management, and environmental mitigation related to stormwater and habitat connectivity. More information from East-West Gateway.
Meets a minimum standard for safety and usability for ALL people and forms of transport (walk, bike, scooter, wheelchair).
A high capacity city road that is not a highway.
Form-based Code
A land development regulation that uses physical form instead of separation of uses as the organizing principle for the code. A powerful alternative to conventional zoning regulation.
How a person travels - car, bus, foot, bike, scooter, motorcycle, etc.
Open Streets
Streets closed to vehicles but open to pedestrians and bicyclists.
A small seating area or green space created as a public amenity on or alongside a sidewalk especially in a former roadside parking space.
Elements of a street including the road, neighboring buildings, signs, sidewalks, benches, trees, and open spaces.
Traffic Calming
Tools like speed humps and stop signs that slow motor traffic and make spaces safer for alternative modes of transport.
Traffic Study
A detailed analysis of a transportation system in a specific area. In St. Louis, traffic studies are typically conducted for wards or neighborhoods. Data is collection includes traffic counts, speed data, pedestrian activity, analysis of roads and sidewalks.
Transportation Planning
The profession and process of making plans for how people will be able to travel in a community in the future.
Vehicular Traffic
The number of vehicles coming and going in a particular area.
Regulation on how land can or cannot be used. Typically organized by categories: commercial, industrial, and residential. Typically overseen by a municipal government.
Someone who is walking on a sidewalk, crosswalk, or roadway.
Pedestrian Refuge Island
A raised concrete median or island in the middle of the street meant to protect pedestrians from cars while they cross the street.
People & Players
A person whose interests are represented by a designated official or individual.
National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO)
A coalition of the Departments of Transportation in North American cities.
Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs)
The most at risk people in traffic due to a lack of physical protection and/or increased chance of being in a collision. Among VRUs the elderly, disabled, and children are considered to be especially vulnerable to traffic collisions.
Bus Rapid Transit
A bus-based public transport system that delivers fast and efficient service that may include dedicated lanes, busways, traffic signal priority, off-board fare collection, elevated platforms, and enhanced stations.
Concrete Median
A raised portion in the center of the road that prevents car traffic from crossing the center of the road in the middle of a block.
Floating Bus Stop Island
A dedicated waiting and boarding area for bus passengers that separates the boarding zone from the sidewalk by a bike lane. Eliminates conflicts between buses, cars, and bikes during stops.
Non-Vehicular Transportation
Any way that people get around not in a car - walking, bike, scooter, public transit.
Road Diet
Reduces the space set aside for automobiles to slow traffic and create a safe place for non-vehicular transit.
Wayfinding System
Signs, pavement markings, and materials that help a person move safely and comfortably through a space and find their destination.
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