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Share Your Thoughts - 20th Street Mobility Improvement Project


There will be an open house on Wednesday, February 1, from 4:00 - 6:30 pm at the Polish Learning Center (1413 N 20th Street, 63106) to learn about and share your thoughts on the proposed 20th Street Mobility Improvements Project. There will no be formal presentation but instead an opportunity to speak with and ask questions of the project team. Activities for children will be provided.

The project will reconstruct 1.6 miles of 20th Street between Market Street and St. Louis Avenue and will consist of adding a separated bicycle path that is part of the Brickline Greenway, a bicycle pathway that is part of the Great Rivers Greenway (GRG) network of pathways. The project will upgrade the condition of the roadway and its pavement markings, sidewalk, signals, lighting, signing, and street trees. The project is part of the new Brickline Greenway and MLS stadium at Market Street.

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