WHAT on earth is a parklet?
A parklet is a small recreational park that replaces parallel parking spaces. Parklets can provide seating, bike parking, a play space, and or outdoor exercise equipment.
WHY is this exciting?
St. Louis is home to a few private parklets, but this is the very first PUBLIC parklet in the City of St. Louis!
WHERE is this new parklet?
Outside of Narwhal's at the corner of Laclede and Vandeventer.
WHO helped?
Even creating something small in size requires massive amounts of behind the scenes work. Let's give a big shout out to the people and organizations that helped make the first City of St. Louis public parklet a reality!
CWE Southeast Special Business District paid for the construction and signed the maintenance agreement with the City.
Custom Rehabs constructed the parklet.
Narwhal's Crafted supplied the furniture and is dedicated to keeping the parklet in good condition.
Park Central Development helped with filing paperwork and coordinating with the contractor.
Trailnet provided grant funding for the parklet design.
Come check out this new parklet seating space and share what you think!
Please share:
What you like about this parklet seating space.
What you would like to see next time in a parklet near you.
Any location recommendations for parklet spaces.