In the Spring of 2021, the first public parklet in the City of St. Louis was built on the corner of Laclede and Vandeventer Avenue near St. Louis University. Parklets are small public spaces that can be used for a variety of ways, from outdoor seating to recreational spaces for people to play and gather.
Documented benefits of parklets:
Drive economic growth: In Philadelphia, revenue increased by 20% after a public parklet was implemented next to a cafe.
Increase walkability and pedestrian comfortability: In San Francisco, a street with a parklet on it saw a 37% increase in weekday evening pedestrian traffic and a 14% increase in the number of people walking their bikes in the area.
Improving an Intersection
Laclede/Vandeventer intersection before the parklet:
Previously a “No Parking Zone”
Previous space was being improperly used as an illegal right hand turn lane for cars turning onto Vandeventer Ave from Laclede Ave making it very unsafe for people walking (a majority of them Saint Louis University students) to cross the street at this intersection. Cars were often driving into the crosswalk, blocking pedestrian traffic, so they could make a swift right hand turn onto Vandeventer.
Laclede/Vandeventer intersection after the parklet:
A space previously unused space is now a public space for people
Parklet partially eliminates this “No Parking Zone”
With the parklet in place it’s very difficult for cars to make an illegal right hand turn.
The parklet helps shorten the crossing distance for people walking across Laclede
We encourage you to visit the parklet at the corner of Laclede and Vandeventer. The parklet is located in front of Narwhal’s (3906 Laclede Ave), so stop by to support local businesses and relax in the first parklet in the City of St. Louis.